上面是從美國The National Museum of Natural History網站看到的,我在逛national geographics的時候連到的,字少圖多!很有趣哦! 大家可以連進去看看,其實我要分享的對維京人知識也有一大半是從上面來的! 呵呵!
上圖是維京時代(Viking age)這約四百年間,維京人在北大西洋征戰的地圖。我個人對維京是完全沒印象,我只記得小時候有一部卡通叫北海小英雄,主角是一個常在關鍵時刻發揮急智的小孩,有點像一休和尚。這部卡通一度讓我以為海盜都是大鬍鬚叔叔在海上開心地過生活= =
維京人的歷史由一群”*斯堪的那維亞戰士(scandinavian warrior)"入侵北英格蘭的Lindisfarne修道院(monastery)揭開序幕。他們的影嚮範圍非常大,北從北歐,南至地中海各國,東及歐洲境內的裡海(caspian sea),西更觸及美洲東北地區。事實上,他們除了史學家渲染的兇狠海盜形象外,他們還是厲害的貿易商,還擁有大師的造船技術,當然他們也是最勇敢的航海家,早在哥倫布前,他們就已經踩過美洲大陸的土地。還有!更重要的,我們想到北歐海盜是不是就會想到他們那長了兩支尖角的頭盔呢?告訴大家,根本沒有這個東西!這完全是他們散種在北大西洋各地的後代給他們的英雄形象罷了!
到了西元九世紀的時候,維京人開始覬覦北大西洋以西的豐富自然資源,不過這時的他們不想幹掠奪這件事了,佛心來的,他們想去開墾並定居。所以遠渡重洋的不是戰士們而是一群農人,他們漸漸連生活方式一並移入,並發現新資源,新的農牧標的。而且他們還把石油給帶了回來。再來,他們又想著尚無人煙的的島嶼,所以他們再向西行,又發現了冰島(iceland)及格凌蘭(greenland),不過就像一群觀光客踏遍福隆海水浴場一樣,他們漸漸破壞了當地的生態,這時期被後人稱為land-taking。就在這時,norse文化被建立了起來,維京人的傳奇故事(*sagas )也開始流傳。
到了西元1000年期間,維京人歷史又進入了更重要的一頁,他們又成功地西進,甚至踏上了美洲大陸的地壤。Leif Eiriksson在現今的*紐芬蘭(newfoundland)殖民,他是惡名召彰的Eirik the Red的長子,Eirik the Red在十世紀時背著謀殺的罪名從冰島逃到格凌蘭開墾。Leif Eiriksson的殖民不斷受到當地居民skraeling的反抗,根據文獻,他們最後在L'Anse aux Meadows定居,而本地區現今是加拿大國家公園的古蹟保護地區。
打得有點累= = 最後附上一個有趣的原文的資料:
Many factors caused the Scandinavians to become Vikings and later, settlers in new lands.
1. The increased wealth and trading within Europe, especially between the Frankish Empire of Charlemagne (the Netherlands, Germany, and France) and the Baltic Sea. This led to the growth of trading towns including some in Denmark and Sweden. Scandinavians had easy access to trade goods and coins in the towns through trade as well as through raids.
2.Much of the increased wealth in Europe was turned into fine treasures in or for monasteries and churches many of which were wealthier than kings or merchant princes of the time.
3.Political instability in Scandinavia as some chieftains fought other chieftains to acquire followers and enlarge their land holdings so they could claim or create kingships. Many men left to make their reputation and gain treasures through raiding or in later times as mercenaries for the various warring parties in Europe and the Byzantine Empire. Then they returned home to assert their claims. As kingdoms emerged in Scandinavia, many families left to settle elsewhere, seeking better land and freedom from tyrants (kings and the nobility).
4.Their longships were the Vikings' greatest asset or "weapon". They were fast and could sail in shallow water (because of their shallow draft) almost up to the shore or up the great European rivers to strike unsuspecting targets far inland.
5.This was a time in Europe of political unrest with frequent warfare among kings, nobles, pagan peoples and would-be kings. There were no nation-states in Europe except for the Byzantine Empire.
6.Over-population. Only 3% of Norway's land area is good farm and grazing land. Think of the dramatic beauty of the fjord country and then ask where people would farm. Those who did not inherit land often went to make their fortune a-viking or later by settling in foreign lands such as in the British Isles or new lands such as Iceland and Greenland.
